Monday, 12 March 2012

next workshop:      24/3/2012    17:00--18:30      in Nature park Rethymno / kastelakia 

´The Flight of the Navigator´   

‘Η πτήση του πλοηγού’ με εύκολα βήματα χορού, γειώνουμε τα πόδια μας και απογειώνουμε τα χέρια και τους ώμους σαν φτερά…σταθερότητα αλλά και ευελιξία στον χειρισμό των καθημερινών αλλά και των δύσκολων προκλήσεων της ζωής. 


a dance meditation movement,created by watching the hawk, the bird which flies highest, having strength and balance. We’re practicing with simple dance steps to wonderful Hawaiian Dolphin music. We learn to keep our feet grounded, while moving the arms like wings, opening our heart wide without loosing balance. That brings us into presence, where no problems exist. We’ll work on ourselves with watching our body language, which can tell us, where we are, where we want to be and what’s the next step to bring us into  self confidence and faith  


 ´Fly like a hawk and experience freedom, love & pure happiness!´


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Huna Kupua
by Serge Kahili King

Huna is a Hawaiian word meaning "secret," but it also refers to the esoteric wisdom of Polynesia. Kupua is another Hawaiian word and it refers to a specialized healer who works with the powers of the mind and the forces of nature. In that respect it is very similar to the Siberian Tungusic word "shaman."

The understanding of Huna described here comes from the kupua tradition of the Kahili family from the island of Kauai, through Serge Kahili King(the urban shaman), who was adopted as the grandson of Joseph Kahili and trained in his tradition.

The Seven Principles
The basic assumptions of Huna are these:

1. The World Is What You Think It Is.

2. There are no limits.

3. Energy Flows Where Attention Goes.

4. Now Is The Moment Of Power.

5. To Love Is To Be Happy With (someone or something).

6. All Power Comes From Within.

7. Effectiveness Is The Measure Of Truth.

HUNA Practices

Kino Mana Bodywork

Lomi Lomi Nui Massage

Known as the "Temple-style" Lomi Lomi Nui is a graceful, deep physical
oil-massage, that goes far beyond healing. Based on respect, attention
and unconditional love the whole body will be touched by divine love.
"Kino Mana" (inner strength) bodywork is like a dance, like music, like
diving into deep water and playing with Dolphins. In this style of Lomi
Lomi Nui Massage, the practitioner is the dancer and the recipient is
the choreographer, this allows the therapist to read the body language
of the recipient and carefully follow their individual rhythm. The
Bodyworker takes her energy from practicing a dynamic dance &
meditative movement, called Flight of the Navigator (The Flying).
This strong Massage is given with full attention to the body and lasts from a minimum of 90 minutes to 3 hours by request.

This healing system combines light touch with mental focus and feedback for amazingly fast
and deep results. Kahi Loa came from the healing traditions of the Kahili family that taught
Serge King.
The elements of Nature work with the practitioner and the recipient. This massage does not use oil and can be practiced in any situation, with or without a massage table, and is still highly effective. This can be a complete body session, or simply where the client most requires therapy i.e back & neck.

The flight of the navigator

This amazing meditative dance movement is the base for the Kino Mana Bodywork and is also very useful as a daily practice to get into complete balance between heaven and earth. The hawaiians looked at the Hawk, the bird which flies highest with its immense strength and endurance, always in the air whilst at the same time connected to the earth. This technique can be brought into the body with simple steps on the ground and movements with the arms to symbolise wings.
Through practicing this movement in a flowing rhythm, you will come closer to experiencing who you are, this is a dynamic dance and meditation movement with beautiful music to bring us more into the flow of life. While 'Flying high', we are becoming deeply rooted with the earth and more stable in different situations.
‘The heart will open wide, streams of joy come up and you will fly’
The Hula is a hawaiian dance and also a powerful way of tapping into spiritual healing energy, and thus is an integral part of Hawaiian massage. Through the Hula you are also learning some history, culture, and values of the Hawaiian people who used it to communicate with each other.

Kamali’i o' Kapo - The Creation Dance
The creation dance is a traditional healing dance of Hawaii. Its story is about connection with all that exists. It tells the story of humans coming from the light down to earth and being supported by mother earth and the spirits.
This is a powerful dance which touches the heart, activates personal energy and brings pure happiness and completion. It ís able to heal the heart and open it, helping you connect to your inner self and remind you of your wholeness.

Creative Meditation
Using meditation techniques from Hawaiian Huna Shamans this form of
meditaions helps practioners to tune into the Rhythm of Nature. Through
these meditations one learns the 7 Elements and the 7 Principles of Huna
their meanings and how to connect to them.
Breathing is Life-Energy and when you connect it with physical body
movements, you get back to the power of Nature and you come into
your strength, enabling you to deal with daily life in more calmness.
Dynamic Yoga
Susanne teaches Hatha yoga combined with pranayama breathing
to enable you to energize and balance your body & soul. Using slow
flowing, meditative movements based on your personal natural rhythm,
you become conscious of your breathing, while practicing stretching
asana (exercises) from Hatha Yoga, Pranayama and parts of Pilates.